
Wednesday 5 July 2017

Season senses as Similes

Spring looks like flowers blooming and rain trickling on the window.
Spring tastes like sweet ice cream in a rainy day.
Spring smells like newly blossomed rose.
Spring feels like going inside a beautiful art work .
Spring sounds like bird chirping, trembling in the sunshine.

Summer looks like colourful clothes, colourful like a rainbow.
Summer tastes like eating an ice cream with a smile.
Summer smells like barbecue.
Summer feels like playing in the sprinklers.
Summer sounds like the crack of a bat.

Autumn looks like a blazing sun falling from the sky.
Autumn tastes like when you step on the leaves they are as crunchy as glass.
Autumn smells like dried leaves that is waiting to be blown off by the wind.
Autumn feels like leaves being blown in the wind like a ballet dancer.
Autumn sounds like leaves crackle like a cracking branch.

Winter looks like an icing on a cake.
Winter tastes like wind chill factor as bitter as sucked lemons.
Winter smells like hot chocolate drink.
Winter feels like like someone was dumping them from Heaven.
Winter sounds like soft as a newly fallen snow.